I've never done this. I mean yes, I talk a lot and voice my opinion on everything but usually just on Facebook. This may be my worst idea ever and I'm sure this is the worst first blog ever, but I'll try and get better. If you even vaguely know me, then you know that if I don't know something I will Google the shit out of it until I have enough info to make you sorry you asked. I'll eventually make this look easy. I guess I should start with a list of what you can expect from me (don't have high expectations).
- I'm gonna start with a list. It makes me feel like this blog will be organized and official.
- Bad words are my favorite and I don't care if you don't like it. You can censor me if you feel the need. I have given you fair warning.
- Don't ask for my advice unless you want an honest answer. I have lost friends over this. Not my problem.
- Arguing will happen. I am no stranger to arguing even after I know I'm wrong. Ask my husband.
- I'm random and spontaneous, therefore I will post things that way.
- I make shit up and quote movies, songs (pretty much anything I hear that tickles my fancy) all the time cause I think it's funny and I like to laugh. Most people don't get it...especially in public places. Here's to hoping it makes more sense on here.
- Don't take me literally. I'm a sarcastic smartass so more than likely my comments should be taken that way. If that makes you mad, then take me literally. Whatever makes you happy. Refer to #4.
- Thank you come again.
I already love this!!!